Le premier MOOC dédié à la Coopération territoriale européenne

Formations 29 novembre 2021

L’UNISTRA pilote le tout premier MOOC dédié à la Coopération territoriale européenne et au programme INTERREG. Ce cours en anglais est proposé par la Commission européenne, et développé par des experts renommés dans ce domaine.  La deuxième session aura lieu du 5 octobre au 30 novembre 2022 sur 8 semaines, les inscriptions sont ouvertes.  Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site : interregmooc.csd.auth.gr 

European Territorial Cooperation: a brand-new MOOC to learn how to make it work! 

Are you planning to work in the field of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) and you would like to learn more about it and to hear about successful experiences from elsewhere in Europe? Or maybe you are already active in this field but you have always wished to dive deeper into this topic? Are you a student or a researcher working on this topic, or on topics linked to the territorial development in Europe across borders?  

More than 30 years after the creation of the INTERREG programme, the European Commission has teamed up with some of the most renowned experts in the field of ETC to produce the very first MOOC* entirely dedicated to European Territorial Cooperation! 

This online course is divided into four chapters which will provide you with an exhaustive overview on territorial cooperation in Europe: 

  • The first chapter will guide you through the foundations of territorial cooperation by questioning its origins, its evolution and its theoretical framework since its development after the end of the Second World War. 
  • A second chapter will depict the existing European policies in the field of territorial cooperation: Interreg, Neighbourhood Policy, Macro-regional strategies, etc., with the goal of analysing decision-making procedures, their implementation, their geographical dimensions and their impact. 
  • In the third one, a thematic approach is being proposed. For each of the 5 identified topics (health, spatial planning, environment, culture, mobility), you will be able discover how they have been tackled at the local level, to which cooperation needs they responded and how the different stakeholders intervened and interacted (multi-level-governance). 
  • Finally, a fourth chapter will explain how territorial cooperation is concretely implemented by local stakeholders, which difficulties they encounter and which means and tools were activated in order to overcome them. 

Each course is composed of several sequences, which are complementary and contain several videos, thought-provoking learning material, case-studies and stakeholders’ interviews. 

The course will be provided in English.  

At the end of the curriculum, certifications will be issued to participants: 

• for attendance to 50% of the course (Statement of Participation). 

• for completion of at least 90% of the course (Certificate of Achievement). 

• for success of at least 60% of the tests (Certificate of Success). 

Registrations are open, the second session starts on 5th October 2022, and will last 8 weeks.

More information is available on this website: interregmooc.csd.auth.gr   

*Massive Open Online Course 
